Quit Smoking Self-Hypnosis MP3 Download

It can be hard to quit smoking, especially if you have been smoking for years. Perhaps you have tried patches, maybe even electronic cigarettes. You are acutely concious of the bad effect your habit is having on your health and finances. Perhaps you have tried to give up several times and failed. You simply don't know what else to try.

It is possible that although you have the right "tools" to help you quit smoking your willpower may benefit from the boost self-hypnosis can give.

With this downloadable Quit Smoking MP3 file you can try self-hypnosis in the privacy of your own home. All you need to do if find somewhere quiet where you can relax and then simply play the self-hypnosis file on your MP3 player.

If you would prefer this product on CD CLICK HERE

If you have any questions about this item, or indeed anything else I am selling, then please do not hesitate to contact us.